On April 25th 2024 news of a migrant center was announced in NewMountKennedy (located just south of Dublin). These migrant housing centers are used to replace the local population with non-white invaders.
Locals in NewMountKennedy rapidly mobilized and stood up to workers at the site who were trying to intimidate those opposed to this invasion. Later in the evening a critical mass of demonstrators took the streets and ran off the opposition, using the opportunity to set fire to the planned migrant center.
Shortly after the Gardai (system pigs) came in a dispersed the riot, roaming the streets and threatening locals with arrest should they come out in the streets. While overwhelmed trying to regain control of the streets, several Gardai patrol cars were smashed and had their tyres slashed.
The action was simple but entirely effective, the pigs cannot be everywhere at once and cannot mobilize as quick as locals. The resolve to not accept invasion and replacement combined with fast response to the system can force the system into a position it cannot defend.